Monday, May 7, 2012


As I'm cleaning house today getting ready for a little girls birthday and birthday party I can't help but think how blessed I am to have her in my life! She has been apart of my every day routine for 3 years now and I'm so thankful God gave her to us! She is growing into such a sweet thankful little Princess! When people do the simplest things for her she gets so excited! For example when we were at my in laws this past weekend MeMa made tea, and Whitnee walked up to her and said "thank you for making me some tea MeMa that was so sweet!" In the weeks before her birthday and her birthday party I get caught up in the planning and the "stress" of making sure everything is perfect for her, I forget to take a moment to just be with her and enjoy who she is at this age. So Wednesday on her actual birthday I will do nothing but be with her, we might go get lunch and go to one of the restaurants that has a slide. :D She is always wanting to go to one when we are out and about running around. I wonder if I could talk the hubby into her and I getting pedicures.... hmm we shall see. :D So I had to call my mom and dad the other night and tell them I'm sorry for all the constant talking I did as a child 'cause well Whitnee talks NON STOP now. :D I know one day I will wish she would talk to me, but there is a time at this age when a mommy needs a little less questioning. I'm so excited about the gift we got Whitnee for her birthday. When we go over to some of our friends house they have a drawing easel for there daughter, well Whitnee has ALWAYS loved it so Michael and I went on the hunt to find one, and actually found one way better!
How cool looking is that! It does dry erase, chalk, and paint. I love the paper towel holder! It comes with 2 stools. I'm so excited and can't wait to play with her!

I will leave you with one last picture of Whitnee from birth to 2 years, when she actually turns 3 I'll add that pic as well. Look at the change!!