Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Woo Pig Sooie!!

This is my fav time of year! The weather is getting cooler, and it's time to call those Hogs! I LOVE football season and I love being a Razorback fan! Michael and I got a chance to go to the first game this past weekend and had a blast! We went with Michael's brother an his wife.

We got invited to tail gate with some friends. It was a blast!

Mommy and Whitnee before we left for the game.

Love me some Tyler Wilson! We got there early enough to see the players walk in.

Paul walking in with his daughter how sweet!

Our new head coach. John L. Smith

OH Knile you make me happy! So glad he is well this season1

Yay for my sis in law! Loved our double date night!

The boys :D

My new fav cup!

The inside of the cup! :D

Hope I didn't over load you with pictures! I'm so looking forward to this season! I love game day Saturdays! Hope you all had a great holiday weekend!