Sunday, September 26, 2010

Wow What a week!

We have had a busy week filled with runny noses, head colds, and ear infections! Monday came and there wasn't much going on. Mondays are usually low key for us. Whitnee and I stayed home all day she has been battling a head cold. I chalked it up to allergies.. well she had more then just that.. we will get to that when I talk about Thursday. :D

Tuesday Michaels mom came and got Whtinee so we hung out at home till then. When she left I ran around the house getting all of her "baby" toys and then disinfecting everything. At this point Whitnee was starting to get better. She wasn't coughing as much and her nose didn't seem to be running as much. So I was thinking we were on the upside of being sick :( wellll.. I was wrong 'cause of course Daddy came down with it. Michael's brother has been coming over on Tuesdays nights so Michael can have guy time. That and he really loves his bros, and since he got married he doesn't spend nearly as much time with them.

Wednesday I also spent doing house work. I ended up going into town and trying to find a dress for Whitnee. Why am I looking for a dress you might ask? Well she has been asked to be in a wedding next May. I'm sooo excited! She's going to be so so cute!! I was going to see if I could find a dress that was maybe cheaper then at the bridal store. Then after I went and did that it was time to get Hannah (my niece) she goes to AWANA with us. Well I had talked to Michaels mom during the day and she told me that Whitnee's nose had been running all day agian and it was green, soo I decided to get make her a doc appointment for Thursday. That night she went ot my moms house while we were at church. She so so so loves her MeMe and LaLa.. it's so sweet. It's the same way with her Grandma and Grandpa.

Now to Thursday. She woke up that morning and wasn't to bad but I figured I made the appoinment better go ahead and take her. Well thankfully I did 'cause she ended up having a double ear infection. :( Poor thing! Felt like a bad mommy! They doc said on a scale from 1-10 he rated them at a 5 so they weren't REALLY bad so that was good. I also asked him when they started having allergy problems and he said there 2nd year of being in the season.. so this would be perfect for Whitnee. I found that very interesting! So this spring could be horrable for her! Her daddy and I both have problems with allergies.

Friday was uneventfull as well, we went to dinner and then did some shopping for our youth night Sat night with the youth.

Sat we watched the HOG game.. they lost BUT it was such a good game considering we led the number 1 team in the nation the whole game until the end. I was sooo proud to be a razorback fan that day! Then that night we had Min to Win it game night with the youth grilled burgers and just had a great night! It was a blast!

That leaves us with today! :D We had church, then Whitnee and I came home took a nap then went to night church. That was all :D

All in all it was a GREAT week! If the hubby isn't better by thursday weather he likes it or not he is going to the doctors :D

Hope this week is another good one!

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