From my pictures....My new really good friend Michelle. She has become my best friend/sister. Have you ever felt like you have known a person for years and yet you still have to ask the first time get to know you questions? Well that's how it is with her and I. She is such a fun person to be around and we have so much in common. We talk every day all day. If we dont talk I feel like something is missing. She is truely a friend I'll have for a life time!
Outside my window......it's dark and soo pretty! I'm praying spring is here for good, but I have a feeling we have one more snow coming. We always do.
I am thinking....that I really should have gone to the gym tonight.. but I just dont have it in me.. must go ever day this week!!
I am thankful.....for my amazing hubby! He has been so supportive of me going to the gym every night after putting Whitnee to bed.
From the kitchen....is nothing.. we need grocerys soo bad!
I am wearing....jeans and a blue stripped shirt!
I am creating.....thoughts about making Whitnee dresses for summer
I am remembering....that I am a good person and people really do like. I'm not crazy
I am going......work on bettering myself
I am reading..... Heaven is FOR real
I am hoping....That we get the rest of our income tax money tomorrow
I am hearing......Francesca Battistelli
Around the house....it's peacefull, Whitnee is asleep and Michael is reading
One of my favorite things....dancing and feeling like a retard.. :D haha yes I will say I dont like to dance but I'm growing to like it.. just gotta let my hair loose and let all the fear go away.
Pondering these words......Loves not easy but it's worth it... wow isn't that true! Thank you Francesca for those words :D
A few plans for the rest of the week.....clean house, catch up on sleep, getting my GTL on... and hopefully spending alot of time outside with my Princess.