Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day Book 110311

From my pictures... The quilt Michaels mom has been working on for Whitnee. It's all finished and at my house WOO HOO!! :D I can't wait to put her in her big girl bed and put this on her bed!

Outside my window...... baby it's cold outside! A cold front has come in and we even got some flurries this morning

I am thinking.... that I've got to find an activity for Whitnee and I to do this winter or we will go crazy!

I am thankful..... that God has brought my closer with my sister in law and my mother in law!

From the kitchen.... I need to start the dishwasher. I was busy this morning before Whitnee went to down for a nap.

I am creating..... a list of Christmas idea's for Whitnee and I need to figure out what we are gonna get the hubby.

I am remembering.... that I havn't made the bed. I have pleged to make the bed every day for a month. So far so good :D

I am going...... to make a grocery list. We have NO groceries. It's bad!!

I am reading..... blogs haha does that count?

I am hoping.... not hoping.. praying that God will countinue to give me peace and understanding

I am hearing...... the tv

Around the house.... the living room is a disaster that's my next room to tackle.

One of my favorite things.... the smell of Whitnee's lotion on my hands after I have given her a bath and put lotion on her

Pondering these words...... the lyric to it is well...

A few plans for the rest of the week..... hmm I don't really think we have much right now. The hubby has to work Sat morning and then there is a Hog game on so we will of course be watching it. Woo Pig Sooie!

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