Whitnee has started to say bye bye.. sometimes it's just bye.. sooo I've started to think maybe she is say ba ba aka bottle and then bye. She is also doing this thing where she sticks her tounge in and out and makes noises, you know what I'm talking about.
OO soo what's new in the life of me? I rolled/sprained my ankle so so bad! I've NEVER been in so much pain! I walked out of a local resturant and my foot twisted under me, it was horrable! I was crippled all weekend! Here is a pretty picture for you!

So I'm still on the mend from that still not walking "normal". Thankfully i wasn't holding the princess 'cause I fell flat. I was soo mad 'cause I was laying on the floor couldn't get up Michael had Whitnee and two guys walked out looked and me and just kept walking. Poor Michael had Whitnee and didn't know what to do, he wanted to help so bad but couldn't. Thankfully this VERY NICE lady came and helped and then we went to my moms and had her look at it. She did the same thing last year and the doctor told her that she would ahve been better off if she just broke it, it wouldn't have hurt so bad.
I filled out my FAFSA tonight. I'm really wanting to start school in the fall, so pray that I can get enough money to pay for that. I would like to take at least two classes. For sure a Math class and then not sure what the other one will be maybe a Physc class. We shall see. I really want to get money that I dont have to pay back. So that is my specific prayer.
Well it's 11. Time for bed. :D NIGHT ALL
If I find out you stayed home during a bad storm and DIDN'T come over, I will be mad. So there! ;0) You know you are more than welcome anytime....
ReplyDelete:D thanks I'll make note of that! :D