Sunday, March 7, 2010

Testing Couple of Days

Hmm.. I dont really know where to start. The past couple of days have been not really stressfull, just trying I guess you could say. Michael and I have just been tested as youth pastors. We have had to deal with some "drama". I'm praying that it will all be resolved very shortly. It has just all been a misunderstanding. I forget what it was like being a teen, granted I havn't been out of my teens for very long. I just pray that after this they will learn to come to Michael and I as soon as something happens or they hear that something happened that away they dont sit and stir on it for weeks, I also hope that they will learn that you just have to roll stuff of your shoulders and pick your battles. I also pray that God will help Michael and I through this time, not let us get discouraged, and help us understand he is trying to teach us something here.

Well on a better note, life at home has been really good! Michael and I got our season passes for White Water and Silver Dollar City this week. I'm soo looking forward to going this summer and then taking Whitnee to see the lights in the winter time. I look forward to making those memories with her! This summer is going to be great!

Thankfully the weather is starting to get nicer! I'm loving it! Whitnee and I went to the mall yesterday and hung out! It was very nice, she LOVES being outside and i'm sooo glad she does! I pray that she stays that away!


  1. Hey. I love you. You're in my prayers. :). Have a great week.

  2. :D Thanks I love you 2.. it's get MUCH better thankfully!
