Sunday, August 15, 2010

Old Friends

Soo tonight Michael and I had some friends over. I've known Stevie since 4th grade. We were really good friends until after high school. We just both kinda went our seperate ways. Stevie is very much a home body type of person and I was working full time she was going to school and we just lost touch. Well at the first of this year we started hanging out with her and her fiance Brian. Michael and I really enjoyed haning out with them they are VERY low key and are ok with just hanging out at the house and that works out really well for us since we have Whitnee. Well the last time we hung out was in March for Stevie's birthday we took them out to dinner came home put Whitnee to bed and then just sat around and talked. That's one thing I really enjoy about them is we have really good conversations! That and they are soo ok with just hanging around and doing that. Well after her birthday I guess we all just got kinda busy with the activities of summer and didn't hang out much we talked via facebook but nothing ever major. Well I decided last night that I missed them and decided they needed to come over. Well they came over tonight and I was reminded as to how good of a friend she was and is becoming agian. Brian and Michael get a long well too so that helps. I'm just thankful that I've gotten the chance to hang out with them agian. We have even planned on going to the craft fair in Oct and the boys plus Whitnee will hang out. I would take Whitnee but it's always soo crowded and it would just be more of a hassel. We have also decided that we are going to go to the Zoo in Sept. H

Hmm so know i'm sitting her thinking what's the purpose of me writting this blog LOL I just got the feeling that I needed to blog about tonight. :D I guess I"m doing this just to say thank you to God for allowing such great people in my life, even when I wasn't sure if we would be friends after high school. Her and I have had sooo many good times togeather and I'm glad that we can still get togeather and it's like old times again. Here's to many more get togeathers with them and many more random blogs to come. :D

Still not sure why I'm blogging.. guess I'll go to bed now. :D

1 comment:

  1. So happy for you! And keep the random blogs coming!! LOL
    (So thankful for you and Michael BTW, we have been missing you...)
