Tuesday, July 30, 2013

30 Things: Number 9

1. My Mom
She has always been there for me, from being a kid, to a teen and now into adult hood.
I don't know how many times I've called her and asked her a parenting question or just
to vent over how hard being a parent is.

2. My Dad
Yet ago, he was there growing up, spoiling me (as a dad should his daughter), when I was a teen my
mom and him split, and he moved to Vegas, I did't have much personal interaction with him then. 
But now that I'm an adult I call him all the time and as for advice. 

3. My high school choir teacher
This one is not a good one. Going into 11th grade when I tried out for Choir he put me in a class that I could't be in because my drama class met only that hour, and he told me that he would give me another try out but he does't do that, and he really doesn't know where to put me. I told him I didn't have to be in choir and that I would just sell my dress. Ever since then I have been really shy about singing especially in front of other. 

4. My Sweet Whitnee
She has taught me to look at life through her own small innocent eyes. I try to find the good in everything like she does. Also to see faith through her eyes. She will ask the biggest questions about faith and when I ask her what she thinks the answer is she is right and gives the easiest answer.

5. My Husband
He has helped me through some rough times. He helps me understand my faith better and with out him I would be lost.

6. My 3 siblings
Growing up we fought like any other siblings do. Now that I'm older my siblings and I have become more like best friends and I look to them for advice. 

I can't really think of any other people who have influenced my life.  Not sure if that's really a good thing or a bad thing. 

Monday, July 29, 2013

30 Things: Number 8

So the past 2 weeks I've been so busy! Whitnee went to VBS at a local church with out me staying and well she didn't do so well. Not sure how school is going to go this fall. We shall see. Then this past week we had VBS at our church so it was short days and long nights at our house. Busy Busy Busy! So I've been slacking on my 30 things, but I'm hoping to get back to it this week.

1. Raising my kids to love every one. 
This one may be controversial, but I know that we are raising our kids to be Christ like, and the biggest part of being Christ like is to love everyone. Does that mean we agree with how they are living? No but we must still love them just not what they are doing. 

2.  My faith
I was raised going to church, spent some time after I graduated wondering about what I believed in and was always pulled back to what I knew was right. I'm so great full for the freedom to have my faith and what I believe in. Some people don't have that freedom and get persecuted for it, have to hide away just to be able to pray. 

3.  My husband
For him to not make this list would be silly. If you aren't passionate about your spouse then you are headed to a not good place, or at least I feel that way. I strive every day to make him happy and be the best wife I could possible be. 

4. My Whitnee (and future kids)
Whitnee is such a blessing! I'm so great full to get to stay home with her and be a 24/7 mom. Hardest thing I've ever done? Yes! do I have my days where I would like to lock myself in a room? Yes! But I'm passionate about her! And when we have other kids I will be the same with them.

5. My family
Not just my family that lives in my house, but my parents, brothers and sister. That also includes Michael's family. I love them all and don't know what I would do with out any of them! They are all a very big blessing in not only my life but in the life of Michael and Whitnee. God really has blessed us! 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

30 Things: Day 7

     I'm not really sure what my dream job would be, I at one point would have thought it would be being a teacher, now that I'm a stay at home mom, I don't know if I could teach other peoples kids. HA I love being home with Whitnee and I don't think I would change it for the world!
    Some times I still think maybe I should go back to school and get my teaching degree, I just really don't know. Right now I guess my dream job is to teach our kids how to walk in Christ. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

30 Things: Day 6

  1. No house payments ever
  2. 2 new cars for the hubby and I
  3.  For my kids to never experience pain. I know the pain I had growing up, even if it was  friend being mean or a boyfriend breaking my heart has made me who I am today, but I don't know how this mommy heart will deal with all that when the kids are older! 

Monday, July 8, 2013

30 Things: Day 5

  1. Being a mom
  2. Being a wife
  3. Whitnee's laugh
  4. Air conditioning, I know seems silly but with the heat it's so nice to be able to cool off inside!
  5. A hubby who will play outside with Whitnee when mommy needs some time alone. 

Thursday, July 4, 2013

30 things: Day 4

Let's see, when I was 16 I was in 10th grade, that'll help me remember what was going on in my life. 

  1.  The boys who break your heart aren't worth it!
  2.  Your parents getting divorced will be the hardest thing you will go through, but you will survive!
  4. Focus on school so you can get money to go to college!
  5. Pick out your good girl friends! One of this will still be a great friend after you "grow up" you will rely on her a lot
  6. Being a mom will be the hardest yet funniest thing you will ever do!
  7. Keep going to football games! As you get older you will enjoy the sport even more and be a huge Razorback fan!
  8. Don't listen to the choir teacher who tells you that you can't sing! It'll haunt you for the rest of your life!
  9. High school girls are mean! Don't let them get you down
So I can't think of a number 10, so I'm going to leave it blank and maybe I can think of something later.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

30 things: Day 3

My relationship with Michael my hubby as I like to call him is a great one! He works so hard so I can stay home and raise our kids, play with them, teach them, and be the best mommy I can be. It’s always been our dream for me to be able to stay home with our kids and I’m so blessed that I get that opportunity! We don’t get to go on as many dates that we would like but we make sure to take advantage of our in home dates. He is the spiritual leader of our home and is an amazing daddy! I can’t even describe the joy I get when I see him playing with Whitnee (and i'm sure it'll be the same with our future kids) and how Whitnee's face lights up when he gets home. I love how he enjoys and looks forward to doing devotion (or devo time as Whitnee like to call it) before bed time and he always makes sure to pray with Whitnee before bed time! As every marriage it’s a work in progress! We have our days of bad or maybe even a couple of days where we just don’t get along and then I think hmm we haven't been doing our couples devo that's probably why, and then we fix that and things around the house go a little smoother.  I pray that Michael and I are always setting a good example of what a Godly relationship is not only for our kids but for others around us. 

Monday, July 1, 2013

30 things: Day 2

  1. Snakes, pretty sure I got that fear due to most women have that fear, and umm they can kill you, and are just creepy looking.
  2. Losing a child, I think every parent has this fear, I just don't know what I would do if I lost Whitnee, or any of my future children.
  3. That I will fail my children in some way, I know I know at some point my kids will think I'm the worst mom ever, but I look back at how I was raised now and I'm thankful that my parents (now divorced) raised me the way they did! I was a preacher's and my parents didn't raise me like there was a spot light on me all the time! I't sow my goal to raise our kids in a similar way! I was allowed to make mistakes, I was able to build trust with my parents and was able to do things that maybe they didn't wan't me to do but they let me do it and learn from it.