Thursday, July 4, 2013

30 things: Day 4

Let's see, when I was 16 I was in 10th grade, that'll help me remember what was going on in my life. 

  1.  The boys who break your heart aren't worth it!
  2.  Your parents getting divorced will be the hardest thing you will go through, but you will survive!
  4. Focus on school so you can get money to go to college!
  5. Pick out your good girl friends! One of this will still be a great friend after you "grow up" you will rely on her a lot
  6. Being a mom will be the hardest yet funniest thing you will ever do!
  7. Keep going to football games! As you get older you will enjoy the sport even more and be a huge Razorback fan!
  8. Don't listen to the choir teacher who tells you that you can't sing! It'll haunt you for the rest of your life!
  9. High school girls are mean! Don't let them get you down
So I can't think of a number 10, so I'm going to leave it blank and maybe I can think of something later.

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