Monday, July 1, 2013

30 things: Day 2

  1. Snakes, pretty sure I got that fear due to most women have that fear, and umm they can kill you, and are just creepy looking.
  2. Losing a child, I think every parent has this fear, I just don't know what I would do if I lost Whitnee, or any of my future children.
  3. That I will fail my children in some way, I know I know at some point my kids will think I'm the worst mom ever, but I look back at how I was raised now and I'm thankful that my parents (now divorced) raised me the way they did! I was a preacher's and my parents didn't raise me like there was a spot light on me all the time! I't sow my goal to raise our kids in a similar way! I was allowed to make mistakes, I was able to build trust with my parents and was able to do things that maybe they didn't wan't me to do but they let me do it and learn from it. 

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