Monday, July 29, 2013

30 Things: Number 8

So the past 2 weeks I've been so busy! Whitnee went to VBS at a local church with out me staying and well she didn't do so well. Not sure how school is going to go this fall. We shall see. Then this past week we had VBS at our church so it was short days and long nights at our house. Busy Busy Busy! So I've been slacking on my 30 things, but I'm hoping to get back to it this week.

1. Raising my kids to love every one. 
This one may be controversial, but I know that we are raising our kids to be Christ like, and the biggest part of being Christ like is to love everyone. Does that mean we agree with how they are living? No but we must still love them just not what they are doing. 

2.  My faith
I was raised going to church, spent some time after I graduated wondering about what I believed in and was always pulled back to what I knew was right. I'm so great full for the freedom to have my faith and what I believe in. Some people don't have that freedom and get persecuted for it, have to hide away just to be able to pray. 

3.  My husband
For him to not make this list would be silly. If you aren't passionate about your spouse then you are headed to a not good place, or at least I feel that way. I strive every day to make him happy and be the best wife I could possible be. 

4. My Whitnee (and future kids)
Whitnee is such a blessing! I'm so great full to get to stay home with her and be a 24/7 mom. Hardest thing I've ever done? Yes! do I have my days where I would like to lock myself in a room? Yes! But I'm passionate about her! And when we have other kids I will be the same with them.

5. My family
Not just my family that lives in my house, but my parents, brothers and sister. That also includes Michael's family. I love them all and don't know what I would do with out any of them! They are all a very big blessing in not only my life but in the life of Michael and Whitnee. God really has blessed us! 

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