Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Scared To Post

So I've been so scared to post something about this topic for some time. Fear of what people might say but what ever. I've created this blog as a place to let things out of my head so I don't worry about them. Well Michael and I have decided that next month we are going to stop preventing from getting prego. We are very excited about that but what I've been scared to talk about is the fact that we are planning on doing a home water birth. I want to experance what God has designed me for. I had a great hospital experance with Whitnee, thankfully my water broke and then I got my EPI so I didn't feel any of the hard pitocin contractions. I've done so much reasearch on home births vs. hospital births, Michael and I feel like this is a great choice. We have even already talk to a midwife and have fallen in love with her. I feel like God has sent her to us. She is such a sweet lady and a joy to speak with.. haha Joy is cactually her name. I look forward to being able to lean on my husband for support and then the other people I have asked to be around me during the time we do have the baby. I'm looking forward to seeing what God has in store for us and how his plan works out in our lives. I am also excited to share this journey with Whitnee. Michael and I have already shared the pregnacy part togeather, and it'll be something new for Whitnee. She is such a little mommy already and has already told me she wants there to be a baby in mommies tummy. :D I have no doubt she will be an amazing big sister! I however worry about having 2 kids to take care of and how I will do it all, with little sleep in the beginning, but many woman have done it all have survived. So I know ask that you keep my family in your prayers and we go forward in this journey. Pray that we make all the right decisions and everything works out like we hope it will.


  1. I think what you are doing is AMAZING, who cares what everybody else says, LOL!!

  2. My prayers are with all of you as you make this joyous journey together. I can connect you with a distant cousin on your grandmother Magners side of the family who just had a beautiful little boy, by home birth (about 2 mo. ago)
    Aunt Shirley
