Has been fantastic! This post my repeat some of the things I posted in the last post but oh well. :D I have REALLY enjoyed being home with the Whitnee. She has been such a goob! She loves when I tickle her. She loves when I ask to smell her feet she then in turn makes the cutest face when she smells then. I'll do everything I can to get a pic of it for ya'll. Being with her so much I've started to understand some of the words she is saying. She says bah bah most of the time when she wants her bottle. Of course there is still mama. Another thing she is doing is you will ask here where's the light and she will look up at the cealing and say ugh and sometimes even point. It's super cute! She has how ever started getting upset when I leave the room.. seperation anxiety is NO fun! I will then holler at her and she will ususally follow me. She has also started playing in her room by herself. It's so cute! I'll go in there everyonce and a while to check on her and she's just playing away. Guess I should move some of her toys back in there! That'll be GREAT 'cause we are running out of room in the living room. :D So it's soo hard for me to belive that she is almost one! I've GOT to get on the sending out the invitations! That'll be my project this week, making a list of everyone to invite and sending out the invitations. She is getting big way to fast!
So today we went out to go shopping for Michaels birthday that is tomorrow, and it amazes me how good she is when we are out. I always hear the screaming babies and pray that Whitnee is never like that. She LOVES to be out and about, and it makes it soo much easier on me! It does crack me up how much attention she gets. I can't tell you how many people saw her and said "oo look at that blonde blonde hair" or "aww look at that sweet baby she is so cute". It does make me very proud! It like they are in turn complementing me. :D haha
Well this week was really nice! I enjoyed getting out and walking! Maybe I can loose some weight now! We shall see. I've always struggled with my weight so I'm sure it's not going to be easy.
Well I must get some house work done so I can go to bed. :D
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