Monday, July 11, 2011

Gentry Zoo, Cloth Diapers, Guys and Dolls, 2 weeks of Potty Training

The title of this blog pretty much sums up my weekend. It was a very busy one. Friday late morning early afternoon we went to the Gentry Zoo, Whitnee loved it and even touched the snake, something I will not do. So the Gentry Zoo is a 4 mile drive through zoo, and then you can get out and pet some animals. Stevie went with us so Whitnee was able to sit in her lap and enjoy the ride even better. Hailey sat in the back and was my picture taker. Here a couple of pics from our trip

Whitnee and Stevie, you would never know Whitnee once didn't like Stevie

Hailey doing what she does, being cute!

Sat Stephen and Chas invited me to go to a cloth diaper class with them, Michael and I have talked about doing cloth diapers with our next kid. I was like 95% sure that I wanted to do it but just had a couple doubts in my mind, well after gong to the class I have no doubt in my mind that's what we are going to do next time. It's going to be a great money saver!

Later Sat night I went to dinner and to see Guys and Dolls with Ami, her birthday is this month, and that's what we did to celebrate it, it was nice to get out just us girls and the show was AMAZING!

Today markes the 2nd week of potty training, we havn't had any problems with going pee, she hasn't had any accidents in some time, however she did have a poop accident this morning. :( I think it just kinda came and she didn't make it to the potty. I've moved the potty into the bathroom where it's suppose to be so that may be part of the problem. The bathroom isn't to far away but I think she was use to it being right there closee when she needed it. All in all I'm so proud of her and I'm not expecting her to be perfect all the time.

This week is hopefully going to be pretty laid back for us.. since we had Hailey last week I wanna lay low this week at home and get us back in our groove. :D I however we be seeing Harry Potter at midnight and I'm soo excited! All in all it's going to be a great week I'm sure! 

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